Coco Rug

Upcycled rug, ethically handmade in India

Coco Rug

Material: Sheepskin & PP yarn
Hand-woven carpet
Production Country:


Hand Made

All NOMAD products are not only unique and handmade, but also crafted with exceptional attention to detail.

Produce less-Produce well

The young Design Classic

Our Coco Rug is made from leftover sheepskin fur. We named it Coco Rug because it reminds us of the legendary Coco Chanel costume. The surface resembles a tweed structure. As with all of our carpets, we let the texture of the material do the talking.The soft structure of leather and wool make every touch with this rug a delight.

Available in 5 formats. Special formats possible on request.

95% Sheep Skin

The smallest remnants of sheepskins form the main material for our Coco Rug. The rug is a masterpiece of weaving and incredibly soft.

Fair by nature

The craftsmanship and ethics behind our Coco Rug

Once in a lifetime

About Jutta Werner

Jutta Werner, Founder and Creative Director of NOMAD, is an experienced ambassador of meaningful, long-lasting design in the field of interior design. With over two decades of global travel and brand shaping across various creative industries, Jutta brings a wealth of knowledge to her role.


Respect is in our DNA

"True greatness can come from unexpected sources when given the chance."

This principle is exemplified in the story of the Candy Wrapper Rug, which finds its origin in the picturesque mountains of the Himalayas.

Beginning with a humble candy wrapper, this remarkable product was brought to life through the artful combination of its distinct texture with the highest quality New Zealand wool.

The resulting contrast yields a truly unique and timeless design that is built upon centuries-old craftsmanship and a deep reverence for the materials used.